On Friday, 28th April, 2023 sixty (60) adolescent girls under the Adolescent Girls Power Program (AGPP) were graduated upon completion of vocational training in different trends that included; Beauty Therapy (34), Tailoring and Fashion Design (15), Decoration and Events Management (7), Electrical Installation and Repairs (4) in the academic year of 2022. The sixty adolescent girls were enrolled for vocational training in March, 2022 30 at AFFCAD Business and Vocational Institute (ABVI) and 30 at Set Her Free with each group successfully completing certificate level for six months and three months respectively.
In Uganda, the AGPP program is implemented in slums of Kawempe and Nansana by the Central Cluster which is a coalition of two organisations; Action for Fundamental Change And Development (AFFCAD) and Serving Lives Under Marginalization (SLUM) with funding from the Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF). According to Innocent Kayita the Program Coordinator, the AGPP has so far established twelve girls only safe spaces that have contributed to increased awareness of the rights of the girl child as well as socio-economic empowerment of adolescent girls and young women through vocational training.
While speaking at the Graduation Ceremony, Ms. Prudence Atukwatse, the Executive Director of AFFCAD which also doubles as the lead organisation thanked CRVPF for the financial support and appreciated the partners for the hard work. She emphasized that vocational training has had a significant positive impact on livelihoods and that it contributes to achievement of SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth. From the Tracer Study conducted by AFFCAD, 80% of the adolescent girls trained had already found employment (47% wage employed and 33% were self-employed) since completion of the training in 2022. She encouraged the graduates to upgrade to be more competitive.
The Chief Guest, Hon Dr. Miria Matembe while giving her remarks encouraged the girls to believe in themselves as young women and work hard to achieve their goals.
Ms. Salma Babu, the CRVPF Regional Coordinator responsible for AGPP noted that each graduate was given a start up toolkit to boost those already in business and to promote self-employment for the adolescent girls that were employment by others or those that have not yet found employment.
“I would like to thank CRVPF and the Central Cluster for providing me an opportunity to become an electrician and I will fully utilize these toolkits that have been provided to me,” expressed Nabunya Esther, a graduate on Electrical Installation and Repairs.